Halloween Speech Therapy Activities and Crafts
I have some fun (and still educational) Halloween speech therapy activities rounded up for today’s post! I hope you find something useful for your caseload.
Halloween Speech Therapy Activities:
Halloween Crafts for Speech Therapy
I love a good craft! And I love a good game – wait a craft and game in one? Sign me up!
Roll-a-Pumpkin is a roll-and-glue activity. Gluing is often easier for students with minor fine motor challenges than a roll-and-draw activity.
Whether you use this in a small group or an individual session, you can have students work on requesting a turn, passing the dice, stating the number and piece they rolled, and requesting any materials they need!
If you are looking for a craft to keep your students’ hands busy while working on articulation or language goals, you could try this adorable vampire craft! The candy corn pieces have articulation or language targets on them. Students can practice each target while they color, cut, and then glue to get more trials in!
RELATED: Speech Therapy Crafts for Every Season
Halloween Speech Therapy Sensory Bins
To set up a sensory bin, grab a medium plastic storage container with a lid. Then you can pick your “filler.” The filler will take up the bulk of space in your sensory bin. My go-to filler is dried beans – for a Halloween sensory bin dried black beans would be great!

Filler Ideas:
- dried black beans
- rice (you can die it orange)
- dried pasta
- cooked spaghetti noddles (Undercook the pasta and then run it under cold water)
- aquarium gravel (not taste-safe)
Next, you need fun, small items to go in your bin. I usually go to the Dollar Tree and stock up on whatever. From past years I have collected spider erasers, spider rings, small snakes, eyeballs, and skulls.
Don’t forget to add scoops (like measuring cups, spoons, etc.) and some smaller bowls for sorting items.
With a Halloween Sensory Bin for Speech Therapy, you can work on:
- labeling items
- combining two words (purple snake)
- describing items
- sorting by color
- sorting by size
- making “scary sounds”
- concepts in/out, under/over
- you can also print out articulation targets and hide them in the bin
RELATED READ: Sensory Bin Filler Ideas
Halloween Game: Language Bingo
This Bingo game can work for 1:1 sessions or small groups. You can choose whether you focus on Halloween vocab (kind of like playing Zingo with a Halloween theme), riddles/inferences, or WH- questions.
There is even an option to print black & white boards that students can color in to mark their spaces. The “two-step directions” calling cards are made to go with these black and white boards.
Halloween Following Directions Worksheets
Do your students love to color? It can be a calming activity for many students.
If you have students working on auditory comprehension skills/following directions goals, these Halloween Following Directions Coloring Sheets are for you! They are print-and-go and feature 1-step and 2-step directions including temporal directions.
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Halloween Speech Therapy Books
This post contains affiliate links, which means we could receive a commission if you click a link and purchase something that we have recommended.
Here are some Halloween-themed books you might enjoy:
- If You’re Spooky and You Know It by Aly Fronis and Jannie Ho: This is a play on the classic song with a Halloween twist! During the read, you can work on following simple directions by having the students do the action called out and talk about the adjectives such as “spooky” and “hairy.” Expand the activity by having students come up with their own combinations of adjective and action (i.e. “If you’re ____ and you know it, ______.”)
- Big Pumpkin by Erica Silverman: This cute book uses repetitive language which is great for letting students fill-in familiar language and predict what might happen next. It also has a nice social skills lesson about working together!
- Skeleton Hiccups by Margery Cuyler: This book only has a phrase or sentence on each page, but it includes lots of fun, silly illustrations that can serve as conversation starters with your students!
Halloween Category Sorting
Work on Halloween vocabulary and categorization skills with this Halloween sorting activity. You can use sorting mats or print-and-go worksheets.
Halloween-Themed Categories Included:
- candy
- costumes
- animals (nocturnal)
- Halloween Characters
- Halloween activities
- spooky places
- things for a witch
- bugs
- bones
- jack-o-lanterns
Halloween WH- Questions with Visual Choices
If the Bingo game above would be overwhelming for your students who are working on answering Wh- Questions, then these Halloween Wh- Question Cards might be perfect! They include lots of visuals to help your students with comprehension of both the question and the answer choices. (There’s also a BOOM Cards version here)
I like to use this FREE Wh- Types Chart to teach (and prompt) the different types of Wh- Questions.
RELATED READ: Using Visuals to Teach WH- Questions
Halloween Short Stories with WH Questions
Looking for slightly more challenging WH- questions? These Halloween short stories (about a paragraph long) are perfect for students working on differentiation between WH question types or for students working on auditory comprehension and memory recall.
This set includes three levels of support:
- Level 1: Includes multiple choices with pictures. Students can cut and paste the answers.
- Level 2: Includes written multiple choices. Students can cut and paste the answers.
- Level 3: Students write-in their answers to the WH questions.
Halloween Speech Therapy Activity: “Favorite Things about Halloween” Booklet
Who doesn’t love talking about their favorite things? I like this Halloween Favorite Things booklet because it is “errorless” and focuses on sharing opinions. (Just because there are no “right” answers, doesn’t mean there aren’t tons of opportunities to practice language skills – like social skills, fall vocabulary, turn taking, etc.)
The booklet is a fun activity that encourages sharing opinions with peers for students who benefit from visual choices. (Plus, it can be differentiated, making it perfect for speech groups!)
Halloween Articulation Practice
I can’t leave out articulation activities in my list of Halloween speech therapy activities! Spice up typical practice with a Halloween-themed set of BOOM Cards where students “feed the monsters” to work on those articulation drills!
I hope some of these activity ideas will work for your caseload too!
Looking for a bundle of some of these fall speech therapy activities at a discount?
Here’s one for Halloween speech-language therapy:
Here’s a bundle for early communicators:
Or if you want a whole year of seasonal and non-seasonal activities, I have an Early Language MEGA Bundle at a BIG discount!
RELATED READ: Thanksgiving Activities for Speech and Language Therapy
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