Apple Speech Therapy Activities + Free Printable
When I worked as a speech therapist with preschool and early elementary special education classrooms (my caseload primarily had students on the autism spectrum), a popular fall theme in the classrooms was APPLES! Often the kindergartners would join their inclusion classrooms to go on an apple picking field trip to end the unit. Here are a few apple speech therapy activities you might enjoy!
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Apple Speech TherapyActivities:
Apple Speech Therapy Craft – Apple Pie
This is one of my favorite fall crafts – I love that the pie “crust” opens and closes 🙂
This Apple Pie Speech Therapy Craft includes articulation targets and language targets (like categories, synonyms, irregular plurals, and more) on the apple slices that you can place in the pie pan and cover with the “crust.”
WH- Questions or Yes/No Questions with an Apple-Theme
I am always working on WH- questions with my students! Once they have learned a few basics about apples, working on WH- questions with an apple theme can be a great way to target IEP objectives while sticking to a theme.
This interactive book includes basic apple facts and related WH- questions on each page. There are also yes/no questions about apples for students who are working on that!
RELATED: Using Visuals to Teach WH Questions (Plus Free Visual Aid!)
Describing Apples Activity – Free DownloadÂ
I have used this Apple Describing Communication Board in two ways:
- As a worksheet or communication board to teach the describing words in a small speech therapy group.
- For Show-and-Tell with apples.
In one speech group, I would pull an apple out of a bag and go over all the terms on the describing sheet – like color, size, rough/smooth, and stem/no stem. Then I would have each student pick an apple out of a bag and fill out their own sheet with prompting as needed.
In a later speech group, I would have each student come up to the front of the small group, pick an apple, and then use the communication board to “show and tell” about the apple they picked. This might be verbally, by pointing, or with AAC depending on the student’s abilities.
You can grab a free copy of my apple describing communication board on TpT by clicking here!
RELATED: Fall Language Activities (plus a free download)
Apple Books for Speech Therapy
This one is great to read in preparation for going on an apple picking field trip! It goes over all the steps of apple picking, parts of an apple, and making applesauce!
This book talks about each season and how the apple cycle is progressing in that season. It has fewer words per page than the book above and could work well with seasonal sequencing activities!
Cooking with Apples in Speech Therapy
Cooking is always a fun speech group activity! (Or for a speech/OT – “SPOT” group) You could try making applesauce, apple crumble, apple rings with toppings, or my favorite – caramel apples! (I still remember losing a tooth in a caramel apple in elementary school – ha!)
In a cooking group, you can target turn-taking, following directions, sequencing, requesting and so much more! Cooking is also great for sensory input – smells, textures, temperatures, etc. – and for teaching vocabulary related to those senses!
Depending on your students’ abilities, you might want to use a visual recipe. Here’s a link to my visual recipe for caramel apples (along with a sequencing worksheet and comprehension questions).
RELATED: Fall Language Activities (plus a free download)
Apple Craft for Speech Therapy – Roll-an-Apple
I come across a lot of roll-and-draw activities (where you roll a dice to see what part to draw on next), but since some of my students have limited fine motor skills, gluing on pieces works much better!
This Roll-an-Apple Craft works for small group speech therapy or individual sessions. You can have students work on requesting a turn, passing the dice, stating the number and piece they rolled, and requesting any materials they need!
RELATED: Fall Speech and Language Activities
Apple Speech Therapy Activity: First Orchard Boardgame
You can find a bundle of the EARLY Language apple activities here (interactive book, visual recipe, roll-an-apple, and apple describing board):
Here’s a link to the Apple Pie Craft:
More Speech Therapy resources you might enjoy:
Do you have any apple-themed go-to activities? Please share below in the comments!
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