kids collecting trash outside for Earth day
For Professionals

April Speech Therapy Activities

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If you are looking for April speech therapy activities and ideas, then I’ve got some for you right here! I think of April as the middle part of spring – when things are really starting to warm up and there are a lot of rain showers.

Below you’ll find April speech therapy themesbooks, games, and activities.

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April Speech Therapy Themes

April Speech Therapy Books and Read-Alouds

Puddles by Jonathan London touches a lot of April themes, including rain, puddles, worms, pond life, and more. It also has some great Tier 2 vocabulary!

Puddle by Hyewon Yum has fewer words, so you can focus more on the illustrations and predictions. It might even inspire your students to draw their own pictures and add a narrative!

What If Everybody Did That? by Ellen Javernick – Okay I admit that this one does not have a strong spring theme BUT is a great way to talk about social skills, perspective-taking, and theres a page about littering – so you can tie it into an Earth Day theme!

RELATED: Spring Books to Use in Speech Therapy

April Games

In this very simple feed-the-frog-game, students roll the dice to determine which flies to eat. Reinforces colors, numbers, counting, and sorting. You can target early social skills such as turn-taking as well as requesting by color!


spring speech therapy craft

This open-ended Roll-a-Chick craft/game can be used for basic social and language skills for students working on early language skills, including requesting a turn, passing the dice, requesting pieces to glue on, etc.

OR this open-ended activity can be used as spring-themed reward in groups by having students roll and glue after completing a set of practice with you! (Also, keeps little hands busy while you take a turn working with another student.)

This Spring-themed Bingo Game includes four ways to play – so you can work on spring vocabulary, spring wh questionsinferences, or following 2-step directions!

RELATED: My Favorite Board Games to Use in Speech Sessions

April Speech Therapy Activities

picture of spring speech therapy craft birds nest

This Spring Bird’s Nest Craft has targets on the eggs – students can practice articulation or language skills (great for mixed groups) while they color, cut, and glue!


These spring picture scenes have colorful photographs and WH Questions with visual choices (or open-ended questions)!

You can target following directions/receptive language skills with these spring following directions coloring pages! Includes leveled one-step directions, two-step directions, and 2-step with temporal directions.


More Spring Activities you might enjoy:

Early Language Spring Bundle

picture of spring speech therapy activities bundle

Spring Speech-Language Bundle

picture of spring speech therapy activities


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